Retail Hours:
Tuesday -Friday: Noon - 6 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 6 PM
Earn-A-Bike Hours:
Thursday: 5 - 7 PM
Saturday: 11 AM -1 PM
Youth Open Shop Hours:
Wednesday 5-7 PM & Saturday 1-4 PM
Achebe Lateef
Bicycle Mechanics Instructor
Mr. Lateef was a member of the founding team in 2007. He has many years of experience working with young people and bicycles and possesses a great love and respect for youth. He is loved in return by Freewheelin' kids throughout our history. Mr. Lateef is known for his straight talk and is key to our success!
Andrew Korb
Program Director
For over eleven years, Andrew has worked as a teacher and mentor in both schools and extra-curricular programs. While he grew up in Evansville, Indiana, it wasn't until he went to college in Minnesota that he began to ride and repair bikes. There he discovered long-distance touring and has since ridden his bike from Minnesota to Arizona, as well as from San Diego to Portland, among other trips. He has also worked in three different community bike programs, drawing on his experience as a teacher to help others fix their own bikes. After graduating, he taught English in the Czech Republic for nearly two years before moving back to Indiana. Andrew is excited to share his love for bikes and to apply his experience as a teacher to develop programs and help kids learn.
Jamey McPherson
Operations Manager
Jamey has spent the last ten years in the bicycle industry, working to share a happier life, richer understanding, and care for the world that bikes afford. His interest in bicycles began at Earlham College where he helped found their Bike Co-op. It was a bicycle tour to Philadelphia with the Co-op founders where he realized that bikes are a sweet form of transportation that can also deliver quality life lessons. He worked at BGI for 6 years, helping open the Hub downtown, working on projects such as the Bicycle Commuter Task Force, maintenance classes and the Mayor’s Rides. He eventually became service manager at the north store, focusing on connecting people gracefully to solutions in creative ways through retail. Joining Freewheelin’, his focus remains sharing knowledge and discovery with the community while raising service quality for Freewheelin’ and its partners in the bike industry.
Taryn Kincaid
Youth Employment Apprenticeship Coordinator
Taryn is responsible for designing and implementing the Youth Employment Apprenticeship Program which helps prepare youth for college, career, and post-high school success through professional development and advanced leadership opportunities. Prior to joining Freewheelin', Taryn worked as both as a frontline teacher and a program director in community-based education and youth employment programs in Massachusetts and Indiana. She focuses her work on reflective practice, social justice, and self-directed learning. Using relational leadership, she engages young people and adults in community building, collaborative problem solving, and program improvement. With over a decade of experience in the field, Taryn brings the perspective of both a frontline facilitator and a program administrator. She graduated from Earlham College and holds a Masters of Education in Learning, Teaching, and Educational Transformation from the University of Massachusetts Boston. Taryn believes that Freewheelin' harnesses the best of people and loves witnessing the successes of young people in the shop and on their bikes.